As on Dated 01-01-2025 Provisional Seniority List of various categories of employees working in Revenue Department of Yadgir District. |
09/01/2025 |
09/04/2025 |
View (4 MB) K K SDA (8 MB) KK D GROUP (2 MB) KK DAFEDAR (598 KB) KK DEA (580 KB) KK DRIVER (609 KB) KK STENO (506 KB) N K K SDA (2 MB) NKK D GROUP (620 KB) NKK DAFEDAR (503 KB) NKK DEA (496 KB) NKK DRIVER (493 KB) NKK FDA (742 KB) NKK STENO (483 KB) |
Inviting online applications for availing free electric sewing machines under District Industries Centre scheme and free Masonry Tool Kit for rural artisans scheme under district sector programmes for the year 2024-25. |
29/11/2024 |
15/01/2025 |
View (656 KB) Extended Notification (358 KB) |
Regarding the publication of provisional seniority list of Group D Dafedar,Driver, Data Entry Assistant, Second Grade Assistant/First Grade Assistant and Stenographer groups on duty in Yadgiri District Revenue Department as on 01-01-2024 |
30/07/2024 |
31/07/2025 |
View (3 MB) SDA-VAO (5 MB) steno (355 KB) GROUP-D (1 MB) Driver seniority list (422 KB) D.E.A (TYPIST) (445 KB) DAFEDAR (424 KB) |